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Double jointed- Elliptical

The double Jointed mouthpiece consists of 3 parts. The middle part of this mouthpiece lies flat on the tongue and will put more pressure on the tongue than a single jointed mouthpiece. The thicker the middle part, the more pressure on the tongue.

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Double jointed

The double-jointed mouthpiece consists of three parts, two hinge points, and a middle link. When a rider takes up the reins, the pressure evenly increases on the tongue, corners of the mouth, and bars. The middle part of this mouthpiece lies flat on the tongue and will exert more pressure on the tongue than a single-jointed mouthpiece. A thicker and wider middle link gives more pressure on the tongue, while a thinner and narrower link gives less pressure. It is important to have an understanding of how thick your horse's tongue is. If your horse has a thick tongue, then a thinner bit is more appropriate. A double-jointed mouthpiece is more movable in the horse's mouth than a single-jointed bit. For some horses, this works well, while other horses may become more restless in their contact.

The double-jointed mouthpiece is often used in equestrian sports as a basic bit because it is suitable for many horses and riders. The mouthpiece is particularly suitable for horses that benefit from a more even pressure distribution and do not accept pressure on the palate. The mouthpiece is generally accepted by both young and trained horses. It is up to the combination of horse and rider to find the right bit, based on preference of horse and rider. At HorseOnline, you can test the bit before buying. A double-jointed mouthpiece is FEI-approved and can be used for both jumping and dressage competitions.


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