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Locked bits resemble a jointed bit, but cannot hinge as much and lock with a lot of rein pressure, turning the bit into a straight bit.

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A locked mouthpiece resembles a broken mouthpiece but cannot hinge as much and creates a blockage with significant rein pressure, causing the bit to change into an unbroken mouthpiece. The bit can thus vary from unbroken to broken; when the rein pressure is reduced, it changes back to a broken bit. When the bit is not 'locked', it exerts the same pressure as a regular single or double-jointed snaffle.

Locked bits are suitable for horses that can become very strong. It is generally used as a training mouthpiece. When the horse leans too much on the bit or pulls on it, it becomes unbroken and can exert a stronger influence. With this mouthpiece, you can teach the horse to seek a lighter contact when it exerts too much pressure. The mouthpiece works especially well for horses that like to seek contact and "go through the hand". In jumping, the bit is often used for horses that become too strong just before the jump. For younger riders, it can also be helpful when they have a horse or pony that occasionally wants to take control.

It is up to the combination of horse and rider to find the right bit based on the preferences of both. At HorseOnline, you can test the bit before buying. An unbroken mouthpiece is FEI-approved and can be used for both jumping and dressage competitions.


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