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Rubber & Plastic

Rubber bits come in different variants. A hard rubber bit is a softer version of a metal bit. Soft rubber bits are even softer and medium flexible. The flexible rubber bits are very flexible and very soft.

111 Products

Rubber & Plastic Mouthpiece

A rubber mouthpiece always contains a hardened core on the inside, which can vary from very flexible to less flexible. A highly flexible rubber mouthpiece contains only a steel wire in the core, whereas a less flexible bit has a thicker core. A plastic or rubber mouthpiece is generally used for horses with soft and sometimes sensitive mouths that have difficulty following the hand. Plastic is known to be more easily accepted by most horses.

Please note! A rubber bit is only suitable for horses that produce a lot of saliva. When the horse has a dry mouth, the bit becomes warm due to friction and can cause burning on the mouth. If a horse produces sufficient saliva, it becomes a gentle mouthpiece for the horse. Plastic mouthpieces are significantly softer than metal mouthpieces. This is what most horses appreciate about these bits. However, horse teeth are much harder than plastic and can shorten the lifespan of a plastic mouthpiece. If the bit is positioned correctly on the bars, damage to the mouthpiece is quite unlikely but not impossible due to sharp teeth. Such damage is not considered a manufacturing defect.

A rubber or plastic mouthpiece is often used in sports as a basic bit and by professionals. Depending on the type of mouthpiece, a rubber or plastic bit is suitable for almost all horses and riders. The type of mouthpiece and the rider's hand's action determines the bit's strength. At HorseOnline, you can test the bit before purchasing it. A rubber or plastic mouthpiece is FEI-approved and can be used in show jumping and dressage competitions.


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