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2½ & 3 Ring Snaffle

A 2½ & 3 Ring bit can be recognized by the extra rings on top and at the bottom of the regular bit rings and will provide leverage when used.
The strength of the impact is determined by the type of mouthpiece, material and number of rings.

2½ & 3 Ring Snaffle

A 2½ & 3 Ring Snaffle is also known as a Pessoa bit and can be recognized by the additional rings above and below the regular bit rings. The upper ring is used to attach the cheekpiece, and the lower ring for the rein. When using the rein, the upper ring will tilt forward, creating a leverage effect. The strength of the action is determined by the type of mouthpiece, material, and the number of rings. A 2.5-ring bit is a milder version of a 3-ring (Pessoa) bit. With this bit, a leverage effect can be created. The lower the reins are placed, the stronger the bit becomes. An ideal bit for horses that are very strong in the course, grab the bit, or lean on the hand. Compared to the 2.5 loose ring snaffle, the water rings in the Pessoa bit can move freely, resulting in more movement in the bit and a more indirect action of the hand aids. Therefore, a 2½ ring snaffle has a milder action than a 3 ring snaffle.

The RNF bit is often used in sports by professionals. It is a sidepiece that must be used with care. The bit has a leverage effect, making it suitable only for horses that are strong in the hand. The horse should have a stable foundation before being ridden with a 2½ & 3 ring bit. At HorseOnline, you can test the bit before purchasing it. A 2½ & 3 ring bit is FEI-approved but may only be used for show jumping in competitions.


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