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Beval & Swivel Bit

A Beval bit has a similar effect to a 2½ & 3 Ring Snaffle, but has a softer effect and less leverage.
A Swivel bit is a "sliding" Beval and presses against the horse's cheek which facilitates maneuverability.

Beval & Swivel Bit

A Beval bit is a loose ring snaffle with additional loops on the inside of the bit ring where the cheekpiece and reins are attached. A Beval bit has a similar effect as a 2½ & 3 ring (Pessoa) snaffle, but it works more gently and has less leverage. This is because the bit rings are placed on the inside of the ring, instead of the outside of the bit ring. A swivel bit is a "sliding" Beval bit, where there is a rod running through the center of the bit, to which the mouthpiece is attached. This allows you to add extra leverage because the mouthpiece can no longer move completely freely. The swivel bit presses against the horse's cheek, which facilitates agility. Depending on the type, thickness, and material, a Beval or swivel bit can have a sharper or softer effect.

The Beval and swivel bits are often used in the sport by professionals. It is an auxiliary piece that must be used with care. The bit has a lever effect, making it suitable only for horses that are strong in the hand. The horse should have a stable foundation before being ridden with a Beval or swivel bit. At HorseOnline, you can test the bit before purchasing. A Beval or swivel bit is FEI-approved but is only allowed to be used for show jumping in competitions.


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