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Metal AB

72 Products

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HorseOnline chooses MetalAB for the innovative designs of the bits. The flexible bits are highly suitable for sensitive horse mouths. Nowadays, we observe that horses are being bred sharper and hotter, but at the same time, they are becoming more sensitive. The MetalAB horse bits are designed for the modern horse mouth. More and more top riders are opting for MetalAB. MetalAB offers a wide range of horse bits, so there is likely to be the right match for you and your horse.

Metalab provides steel of exceptional quality. Metalab is beloved in the professional equestrian world. Metalab has studied and selected the best models and materials for your comfort and that of your horse. The brand is part of Lami-cell and employs unique manufacturing processes such as the "Lost Wax" technique. A quality bit is a guarantee of safety! HorseOnline chooses Metalab because of the various types of materials used in the bits and the consideration for the horse's comfort during the design of the bits.

Check out different categories of Metalab bits that you can buy at HorseOnline: Snaffle Bits, Loose Ring Bits,D-Ring Bits, Full Cheek Bits, Baby Pelham, Pelham, Kimblewick, 2.5 & 3 Rings Snaffle, Beval & Swivel Bit, Elevator Bits, Swales Bit, Gag Bits, and Hackamore.

Log in and shop the complete Metalab collection at HorseOnline. Contact us for personal advice from one of our bit experts!


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