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Bronchix Liq 1000ml

Cavalor Cavalor Bronchix Liq 1000ml


  • Bronchix Liq 1000ml
    • Bronchix Liq 1000ml


    Cavalor Bronchix Liq 1000ml


    €64,95 Incl. tax

    • SKU: E77601M000000

    In stock

    Cavalor Bronchix Liq is a fast solution for the support of healthy breathing in horses. The liquid compound offers quick relief for horses with breathing problems by opening the airways, specifically in the case of coughing due to irritation.

    Product description

    Cavalor Bronchix Liq

    Cavalor Bronchix Liq is a quick solution to support healthy breathing in horses. The liquid compound provides quick relief for horses with breathing problems by opening the airways, especially when coughing due to irritation.

    Cavalor Bronchix Liq is a preparation to support the airways in horses. The soothing syrup provides quick relief for breathing problems in the upper airways, specifically for a tickle in the throat or mucus due to irritation.

    A tickling tickle in the throat is often temporary, but is still annoying and bothersome for the horse. Cavalor Bronchix Liq contains a mixture of plant extracts that make it easier to breathe and support and soothe the airways.

    If your horse coughs every time at the start of training or needs some extra support, Cavalor Bronchix Liq can also be given directly into the mouth just before riding.

    2 x 25 ml per day, at least 5 days. Maximum 100 ml per horse per day.

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