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Cavalor Cavalor SoleMate

€149,95 €109,00

Product description

Cavalor SoleMate was developed to provide natural care to horses with sore feet by galloping, jumping, broken horseshoes, thin soles, bruises, abscesses, etc. Cavalor SoleMate is a mixture of natural ingredients without banned ingredients and can therefore be used safely in competitions. Cavalor SoleMate was developed to relieve pain and inflammation after intensive work by the horse.


  • English salt to relieve pain.
  • Iodine is an antiseptic, an antimicrobial and an antifungal.
  • Pine resin helps to maintain fluid balance and to stimulate new hoof growth.
  • Arnica is an approved anti-inflammatory agent for local use.

Security and retention:


Cavalor SoleMate must be stored in a moderate temperature (10 - 25 C & deg;). In case the product hardens in cold temperatures, it can be put in warm water to make it soft again. In case the product has become too soft, it can be put in ice water or a refrigerator to regain the correct consistency.

Keep out of reach of children. Cavalor SoleMate can be stored in a sealed package for 2 years.


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