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Hickstead Hackamore Bridle

Trust Equestrian Trust Equestrian Hickstead Hackamore Bridle


    • Hickstead Hackamore Bridle
    • Hickstead Hackamore Bridle
    • Hickstead Hackamore Bridle
    • Hickstead Hackamore Bridle

    Trust Equestrian

    Trust Equestrian Hickstead Hackamore Bridle


    €139,95 Incl. tax

    • SKU: E18601B121840

    In stock


    The Trust Hickstead bridle is a bridle that can be used in combination with a hackamore and a Trust hackamore combi bit. This bridle has an extra jaw strap with buckle protector to keep the bridle in place.

    Product description

    Trust Hickstead Hackamore Bridle

    The Trust Hickstead bridle is a bridle that can be used in combination with a hackamore and a Trust hackamore combi bit. This bridle has an extra jaw strap with buckle protector to keep the bridle in place. The headpiece is anatomically shaped and cut back for more freedom around the ears. The padding of the head piece is nice and soft but not too thick so that there is direct contact with the horse.

    The Trust Hickstead hackamore bridle is made from the highest quality European full-grain leather. This is smooth and becomes even more beautiful with use. This high quality gives the Trust Hickstead a long lifespan. The shapes of the modern horse have been taken into account in each design. These two features ensure that the Trust Hickstead hackamore bridle fits imperceptibly to the head.

    The Trust Hickstead hackamore bridle comes in the combination of black and brown with silver buckles and brown with gold buckles.

    Standard delivery without reins, matching reins are available separately


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